Saturday, December 02, 2006

Oblique Poetries update

As often as I can, I stop by Caldense on my way home from school to work on Oblique Poetries. Scott & I have a nice rhythm down at this point. I draw a strategy to inspire images & ideas, then lay the groundwork for the poem. Next, I pass it off to Scott who filters it through his own sensibilities. The final phase involves a sitdown collaboration to refine the results. We are enjoying the creative process and slowly building a promising manuscript of finished pieces.

Aqua Reliquia update

Freighter on Horizon - Photo by Mikel B. Classen

Aqua Reliquia's development is proving to be a much more leisurely process than Moon Sea Crossing's. Images like this one from The Great Lakes Mariners website really stir the pot : ideas abound in my notes and sketchbooks & all I need to realize them is a series of uninterrupted blocks of time. Thankfully, winter break is coming up : I suspect this holiday, like our summer vacation on Lake Lorwall, will be a productive one!