Friday, May 05, 2006

Pathways to Success

The conference is wrapping up as I write this. What a phenomenal experience! It's been an intense two days: the stakes are high and every person at this conference knows it. The challenges facing our students - and those of us committed to supporting them - are very real and often daunting.

Commitment is what it comes down to: whether you're talking about the commitment to show up for class on time or to finish a writing project, it all depends on follow-through. That will be the challenge for each of the students who attended this conference: taking what they've learned here and using it to create change in their own lives. Anyone who has ever got to the other side - followed-through on a plan - knows that it takes passion and determination and tenacity. In the end, I hope this conference has stirred these qualities in our students. I hope they take something away from this conference that sustains them through the struggles ahead.


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